Discover who you are by exploring the 1950’s the Beat Generation.

The 1950’s; the Beat Generation, was an era that questioned social change in North America. The Second World War was now history, the troops were back home fueling a big economy, a new generation ( the Baby Boomers) was being created and the generation known as the Beat Culture was forming. Television was just being introduced to the mass market and soda shops were popular. In the latter part of the era; rock and roll was being fueled by; a very young Elvis Presley, Carl Perkins, Jerry Lee Lewis, Johny Cash(yes he was a rocker firstly) and Buddy Holly. The younger people of the time; heavily embraced this movement and the call for change it represented.

All generations or decades have a counterculture and the 1950’s were no different. The Beat Generation was a literary movement whose work influenced the counterculture with respect to change in society. Essentially it called for liberation of censorchip, sexual morals and spirituality. They wanted drugs decriminalized. Also expressed concerns for the de-emphasis of military and industrialization in society. They fought for a new emphasis on ecology with respect to the land and demanded a new respect for the indigenous peoples and their ways. It was a time for questiioning standards and stereotypes in society. They questioned quietly with no major protests. They were considered intelectuals and a more peaceful movement.

As with all movements, the 1950’s; the Beat Generation spawned changes in society but it can also be noted in their dress and language. Imagine this; people wearing turtlenecks, berets, men in short hair, women in long hair, sporting horn rimmed glasses, playing the bongos, smoking weed and listening to jazz music. The people of this time were pretty layed back/cool and became known as the “Beatniks”. Some great slang derived from that era that was certainly condusive to the times. Step back in time and honor the people, their words and the meanings they introduced to the world!

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