This is around the yard in our little corner of the world. We are here livin’ our dream. We had great fun restoring and renovating this 100 yer old place into the what we call home. Old houses have so much character and you can be so creative in your design. You kind of have to be jimmie riggin’ most things. Its just fun living. Now that we are here its pretty hard to get us off the farm to go anywhere. Really who needs a vacation? So much to see and so many adventures at the doorstep. Here I will share little snippets of our goings on as we make our way through life here on the farm. Gardening, animals, biking trails, baking, harvesting, planting, outdoor adventures and most anything else I learn along the way.

Family is real important here and is the foundation of who we are as Maritimers. As true Maritimers life is all about gatherings. We gather in large groups at weddings, festivals, beaches, cottages and just about anywhere and for any reason. Like most Maritimers the gatherings happen in the kitchen. Kitchen parties are a thing here. Kitchen tables are the main centre of a household. So much happens like talking{or out talking each other}, laughing, eating,drinking, game night and sharing stories. Its just the Maritime way. And the more the merrier! So this will be our online kitchen table. Our round table from the coast.

My little family manages to take the time out from their busy lives to get involved in most of our shenanigans. This whole site evolved from the slang I hear them speak! Big helping hands at hay time! We’ve all spent many years hanging together, sharing, and learning from each other. {even if at times they thought we were crazy as ol’ get out} Therefore; I am so thankful for this. This whole site evolved from the slang I hear them speak! And yes we shared our slang (both the good ‘n the bad).
A few tidbits about what we do

- Love family gatherin’s, small town livin’, country backroads, old houses, barns, dirtroads.(all things old)
- Pioneer wanna be’s and homesteaders. (livin’ off the land/still learnin’) Old Hippies
- Do It Yourselfers. (Jimmy Riggin’ most things)
- Minimalists, Recycle and Repurpose. (most things become garden art)
- Lovin’ our animals (horses, dogs and cats)
- Livin’ life outdoors in “big sky country” (yes, we bought a hobby farm)
- Slang Talkers –(Slangologists)(slangers)
- we garden,dig, till and mow acres, mend fences, take care of the land ourselves(no heavy machinery here)
- the firepit and our favorite spot to hang out
- have our own coastal playground for walking and biking
- just enjoyin’ the country air, sights and sounds

Whats your story?
How do you experience life wherever you settled. Share your stories. Would love to see pictures of your space in the world. What makes you happy? Hope you have peace and love wherever that may be.