Def: Folklore – are traditional beliefs, customs and stories. They are passed along; by word of mouth, amongst family members and their communities.

These stories are community based Folklore with traditions common to a culture, subculture or group. They can be oral traditions with tales, proverbs and jokes. Customary folklore are the rituals of celebration like Christmas, weddings, birthdays and dances. These are all passed along informally to individuals by verbal instruction or demonstrations. Old folklore changes with more modern times and new folklore gets created.

East Coast Folklore
So the East Coast has a diverse culture with many old traditional customs and beliefs that we all carry along with us. It will be fun to explore the Folklore from East Coast Shores. Do you have a story, a joke, a custom, a belief, a proverb from days of old? Do you have new traditions of your own that you created within your own family? Share the tales and legends from your community that got passed along; for, eons on strange goings on in yer community. Well lets just explore all that!