The Bay Chaleur Phantom is a story about a mysterious “Firey Ship” that appears on it’s waters. Maritimers have shared many a tale about this Phantom Ship for generations now and swear by their actual sightings! Is it a story made up by the locals years ago about an apparition to scare the timid, a natural phenomenon or truely a Ghost Ship? Many have tried to explain its existance but it remains a mystery to all; even today! Is it your imagination or is it real!

Phantom Ship
The Bay Chaleur extends from the mouth of the Restigouche River down along the Northern Shores of the Province of New Brunswick and borders the Gaspe Coast of Quebec. It’s in this vast area that this Ghost Ship has been sighted. Legend has it that the best time to see it is on a still, clear moonlit night. Most viewings are in the summer months but it’s known to appear throughout the year. So; out of the blue, a firey ship suddenly appears and then will very slowly dissipate. It has been witnessed as a still form of a burning ship, as a huge ball of fire, a sailing ship with its masts ablaze and as a lantern shining bright. Some have even recanted they have seen men scurring about on it and even jumping overboard. Whatever it is; remains unexplained. To a non believer it is some sort of natural phenomenon but to a local who has witnessed it; it’s an actual Ghost Ship.

The Bay Chaleur
Many ships have sailed up the arm of the St Lawrence River to the Bay of Chaleur; in the past. The Phantom Ship is a legend about a sailing ship that met a horrible disaster in her waters. Many have said it was a Pirate Ship seeking refuge in the calm waters of The Bay. The John Craig sunk in the early 1800;s off the Coast of Shippegan. The Marquis de Malauze was a French frigate sunk by the British in these waters; in the late 1700’s. Whichever ship met its demise in these waters; returns frequently over time to display itself; in all its glory, and keeps the legend alive. Who are they! What is it! Who knows! But… to the eye witness… it certainly is true to life.

So; in your travels, be sure to roam the shoreline along the North Shore. If you so dare; settle in on the shore of The Bay one night and wait! Keep your senses heightened and be on the look out for this mysterious Ghost Ship. Who knows…you may become a believer. Being from the North Shore; its a story I grew up knowing, kept an eye out for but never did actually see. Maybe I was afraid too!