Motivation and Encouragement!
IOYGT. Def: It’s OK…You Got This!
As we walk our path in life; we encounter many joys and sorrows that have a huge impact on our whole being. Some situations we have control over but there are some doozies; that get tossed our way, that can sure create a whole pile of chaos; in our daily living. Of course; it can be all consuming and very overwhelming! Its normal to question the whys and the hows! Somehow we have to muster the strength to deal with it, the courage to prevail and hopefully we are able to focus on the positives! We need to keep reminding ourselves that “Its OK…You Got This!”

My Story
To say the least;. there were challenges along my life path. Yes; some were due to life choices and some were way beyond my control. Life was like a merry-go-round to me and sometimes; yes, I wanted off! Where did the strength and courage come from? Survivor mode kicks in! In those fight or flight moments I chose to take charge. Yes there were a lot of times I felt defeated but I learned real quick to live in the moment, focus on the positives and don’t fret over the what ifs. I ran with that! It wasn’t easy but I had to focus on what I could control and find a healthy balance. Finding ways to cope was a daily challenge. I had to remind myself daily that “It’s OK Kerry…You Got This!”
There was a time when a very unfortunate car accident put the brakes on life as I knew it. There were challenges with that but; funny as life can be, it put us on a whole new path. You see; at that exact same time my little girl had been sick with no real focus. This accident put us in line with the right people that could help. Yes; it was a huge positive! With that; we quickly had to find a new normal that revolved around hospitals and life with chronic kidney disease. It was by no means easy! Overwhelmed, discouraged, afraid, depressed and out of control! Yes! Living through those years certainly made me re-evaluate life, taught me what the priorities were and the value of support from family, friends, community and the health care system. It was all part of a positive life line and we are all so thankful! As I look back; I watched my beautiful girls walk through those years to become strong, independent women who easily adapt to life changes. I couldn’t ask for more! Always finding my positives! You are forever in our hearts…our little Carly! You taught us all so much!

Throughout life; we all experience challenging moments! Each challenge you face is equally as great as the next. Finding the energy and strength to cope is the base root of the outcome. No matter how you do it; we all need to reset, recharge and remind ourselves that we are “OK”. ENERGY…well it’s everywhere! Absorb it however and wherever you can. Something as simple as a good old hug can be a powerful source for all the energy you may need. Hugs are shared in joyful times, celebrations, greetings, goodbyes, sad times and just because it’s what we do. We show love, support, gratitude and affection with that one simple gesture! Gosh that simple embrace can be powerful! I sure absorbed a whole lot of energy from a whole lot of people along the way. It felt so good! I was recharged and good to go! So; keep hope in your heart, find your person, share a hug and feel the change. Bottom line here is to remember: “It’ OK…You Got This!” and a hug says that. IOYGT stands for that big hug you give to yourself and to whomever you feel may need that too.

But…I have to admit that I give myself a little Pep Talk each day to encourage myself. I say: “It’s OK Kerry…You Got This!”(Right Out Loud) It works for me! Go ahead and try it! It can only be a positive for you. IOYGT…big hugs to you!

My Intention
So why add IOYGT to East Coast Slang Heritage you say? Our website is all about our heritage and our culture. The backbone of that is family. Our ancestors overcame so may hardships in their quest for new beginnings. As good strong East Coasters’ they found strength and support from family and friends in their communities. I like to think they encouraged each other with; ‘It’s OK…You Got This!”
The intention with this new business endeavour (Coastal Shore Lines) is to offer that support and strength to family and friends experiencing life altering challenges. Follow along and help us to spread hope and courage. Be part of that change! Oh Yes…be sure to hug someone! IOYGT!