So just what is Cretons Spread you say. It is a French Canadian meat spread similar to pate but made from ground pork. Now my Mama grew up on the Gaspe Coast and she tells me; that her Mama used to make her own from scratch. They called it layered meat then. (And no it is not head cheese) It was most commonly eaten on your toast, for breakfast. Yum! Back in the earlier days it was a good lunch for those off working in the woods all day. Cretons is a great source of protein and could be eaten cold. Its right tastey too! C’est Bon Bon Bon!

- 1 lb ground pork
- 1 cup milk
- 1 onion chopped fine
- 1/4 cup dried bread crumbs
- garlic chopped fine
- S & P to taste ( I put lots of P)
- 1 pinch ground cloves
- 1 pinch allspice
- In a saucepan combine pork,milk, onion, garlic
- Add seasonings(not the S & P)
- Cook on medium heat for 1 hour
- then stir in bread crumbs
- Cook 10 more minutes
- Season with S & P to taste
- Voila! Keep refrigerated.
I will share a little family secret with you that will add a special something to your Cretons. Fry up a few pieces of pork fat (could use bacon). Crumble the fat into small pieces. Add this to your Cretons Spread. There you have it! Authentic Cretons from down the Gaspe Coast! C’est vraiment bon!!! Thanks Mama!