It’s winter and the ice is frozen! The ice fishing shanties are clustered in little communities all over the waterways. Well, ice fishing is as old as the hills all over northern climates of the world. You just cut a hole in the ice and drop a line! Do it for sport and just for the commaraderie. It’s sure to be a good time.
The shelters can be as simple as a tent and as fancy as a small house you can actually sleep in. The most popular is a basic 6X6 shanty made of wood and decorated up in some colorful ways. All you need beyond this, is something to sit on, a line,a hook with a bobber, fish bait, an auger to cut the hole and a scoop to keep the hole free of sludge. Fresh caught and frozen on the ice; for a great feed back home! Doesn’t get any better ‘n that! Dress warm but a small propane heater can heat a shanty right nice. The season usually ends in early March. Beware when the weather begins to warm up as many a shanty has been lost due to an early thaw!
It is certainly not a sport for kings but it’s surely a popular one. Be so lucky if you ever get invited out to a shanty. The social gathering on the ice with yer buddies is guarenteed to be a good time. I just betcha have a lot of fun!