Canada’s Ocean Playground
Nova Scotia(or New Scotland) is known as Canada’s Ocean Playground and is The Sea Bound Coast. It’s an isthmus that connects the province to NB. It is surrounded on three sides by the Bay of Fundy, the Northumberland Strait and the Atlantic Ocean. Water..Water every where! Hence the name the Ocean Playgound. The North Mountain Range which is part of the Appalachian Range; extends from Digby up to the Tatamagouche area and to the tip of the Cape Breton. The beautiful Annapolis Valley (known as the Bread Basket of NS)lies at its base. Such beautiful terrain to explore for the curious! Home to some good NS Slang influenced by the Waterways!

The early East Coast settlers to this prosperous area were mainly from Scottish decent. There were numerous ports of entry to this new world but emigration was mainly through the Halifax Harbour. MacNab Island just off the harbour was a holding area for imigrants to be cleared for entry. Pier 21 with its vast displays of historical information enables you to envision the process. Mining sustained generations of settlers in Springhill, Sydney and Pictou County. Museums about the mining industry can be found in Springhill and Glace Bay areas. Fishing, mining, shipping, lumbering and farming were all prosperous industries for NS. The land here is very fertile for agriculture. So this was an attractive landing point for many newcomers seeking a new life and opportunity. The Scots were a large influence to the NS slang you hear here!

Adventures Abound
Adventures abound in this beautiful coastal province. Sailing, boating, whale watching,camping, skiing, sightseeing, hiking and even surfing are adventures pursued by many. It is very well known for the

The Cape Breton Highlands offer scenic routes through the mountains on the Cabot Trail. Experience the Celtic influence in the NS Heritage and culture of the Scots. Tall ships sailed the waters surrounding NS. The famous Bluenose was built right in Lunenburg. Peggys Cove, Chester are just a few places to experience coastal living at its best. Pirates are known to have frequented NS and the inlets provided places to escape or hide from pursuers. Did Captain Kidd or others stash treasures in the Oak Island area or some other quaint little coastal spots? Nothing can compare to some good old pirate slang. Ahoy me matey! Explore this ocean playground..maybe you might find some treasures!

Experience the Celtic influence in the NS Heritage and culture of the Scots. You can join in on a Ceilidh; a good ol’ fashioned kitchen party, watch highland dancing, listen to gaelic music, taste traditional foods and observe the highland games. Experience and savour the culture of this province and learn some good old Nova Scotia slang while yer there!
- Halifax Jazz Festival
- Apple Blosson Festival in The Annapolis Valley
- The Royal NS International Tattoo in Halifax
- Stan Rogers Folk Festival in Canso Cape Breton
- Celtic Colors International Festival in Cape Breton

So this coastal living and nautical lifestyle influenced and provided some good ol’ slang talkers. The Scottish influence is very clear here. Below are a few expressions I know but please comment, add your local NS Slang and share your stories about coastal living in beautiful NS. Happy Slangin’.