Granny spent a great deal of her time in the kitchen. Preparin a meal; back in the day, was a huge undertaking. All foods were home grown, prepared from scratch and cooked in a big ol’ wood stove. That was a whole pile of work. Not only was Granny cooking; she was preparing remedies to keep her family healthy. She had all kinds of household hints to share about the activities of daily living. It was all a labour of love and survival!

Holistic Living
Now; way back when, life was not easy. People worked hard to provide a good life for their loved ones. Their survival and well being depended on shared knowledge of household hints and remedies. Household hints just made life easier. Access to medicine and health care was limited. There were diseases affecting their loved ones. People looked for ways to cure, provide comfort and relief. Therefore; most cures for what ailed ya, came from nature. These were prepared in kitchens just like Granny’s.

Household Hints
Granny ; like everyone else congured up all kinds of medicinal cures like tonics, tinctures, infusions, salves, soaps, laundry soap and whatever else was required. These methods and recipes all got passed along amongst families and friends; by word of mouth or demonstration. With limited resources; they turned to nature. They were pioneers of Holistic Living and Hoistic Medicine. Although; they didnt know it!

Natural Remedies
There was a whole lot of knowledge, teaching and learning that went along with this. One had to know how to identify the plants, know where to find them, learn about the medicinal qualities of each part, learn how to plant these plants, know how and when to harvest them, learn how to dry them, how to store them and how to use them in combinations for effective usage. Its knowledge that got lost to a lot of us over the years. But; thankfully there are people who did carry it along. In todays world; we have unlimited access to new technologies in health care, treatments and medications. Today; we still practice Holistic Medicine with some of these natural remedies that Granny used. So a big shout out to people like Granny!

I dabble. The more holistic approach works for me. I love the household hints and old ways of doing things. An expert I am not! There are so many plants and their usages. Its a whole education in itself. I advise you to read up and seek assistance from the experts on anything deemed risky. So do be careful. I hope you will share your best practices so we can all benefit together. Household hints are just fun and easy ways to manage life. Even if we just share a information on the plants we grow in our area and what they were used for. We marvel at the beauty of a field of wildflowers; we see along our path. And they all have a secret purpose that we all may not know!
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